Client Management Solution


Your Problem

  • You’re struggling to keep on top of all of your clients.

  • You use multiple different apps and platforms to keep track of client information (maybe there’s even a notepad and pen involved there somewhere!?) which can get confusing.

  • You manually send weekly check in reminders to your clients, or worse, sometimes you forget to send them at all!

  • You can’t remember what each client has said in their check ins from one week to the next.

  • You’re unsure which clients have checked in and which haven’t.

  • A client can go days without speaking to you.

Our Solution

  • Personalised weekly check in reminders are sent automatically to each client via email or Trainerize (the choice is yours!)

  • Client-specific check in forms are sent creating a better client experience (no more need to ask ‘What is your full name’ every week, each form will know who the client is)

  • Once a client has checked in, all responses and notes are stored on their own individual card within Trello.

  • All clients are automatically sorted into our unique ‘traffic light’ system based on their weekly check in answers.

  • Using our ‘traffic light’ system, clients are prioritised from red, through amber, to green, allowing you to see who needs more support at a glance.

  • A ‘Not Checked In’ list highlights which clients have checked in or not each week (no more missing follow ups or touch points!).

  • Precise due dates can be added for each client so you don’t have to remember when to reach out and offer them extra support!

The Framework


When creating your solution we’ll use your accounts so you maintain complete control over your business. We’ll use the following applications:

  • Typeform

  • ActiveCampaign

  • Zapier

  • Trello

  • Trainerize (optional)

Please note: if you’re not using Trainerize we can send reminders via email.

What’s Included?

Your Client Management solution includes:

  1. Weekly Check-In Reminders

    • We'll send out regular reminders to your clients, ensuring they stay connected. You have the freedom to craft up to 10 unique messages, which will be dispatched randomly each week, adding a personal touch to the automation.

  2. Customisable Traffic Light System

    • Our innovative system organizes your clients into red, amber, and green lists based on the level of support they require. We'll guide you in tailoring this system to your coaching style for maximum effectiveness.

  3. Check-In Monitor

    • Easily identify which clients have checked in and which have not, streamlining your follow-up process.

  4. Client Dashboard

    • Gain real-time insight into the number of active clients, new clients for the month, and the distribution of clients across the traffic light system.

  5. Client Journey Tracker

    • Track your client’s journey with you from beginning to end and know exactly how many clients you’ve got at each month.

  6. Client Milestone Reminders

    • Never miss a milestone again with our customized reminders for 3, 6, and 12-month anniversaries. These can be sent to either you, your clients, or both.

  7. Birthday Reminders:

    • Be prepared to celebrate your clients with our reminders that arrive 14 days prior to their birthdays, giving you ample time to arrange a gift or message.

  8. Detailed Video Walkthrough

    • We provide a comprehensive video demonstration of your Client Management solution, equipping you to leverage it fully.

  9. One Month Free of our Support Plan

    • Acclimate to your new workflow with ease, thanks to our Support Plan which provides extensive assistance during the first month of use.

    • Learn more about our support plan here.


Ready to Start?


Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take?

Our turnaround time is 14 days from when you’ve sent us everything we need.

What if I need to make small changes and tweaks?

We highly recommend our Support Plan for all your ongoing needs.

How do the weekly reminder messages in Trainerize work?

We’ll ask you for 10 messages you could send on a client’s check-in day and each week, on your chosen day and time, your clients will be sent a message from your list to check in with their form link. This means the client will receive a different message each week and your messages will look more personable, whilst still being 100% automated.

What could go wrong with my solution?

Although we can't guarantee that errors won't occur, we want to assure you that we use top-quality apps like ActiveCampaign, Zapier, Typeform, Trello, and Trainerize to ensure the smooth functioning of your solution. However, as with any technology, there may be instances of outages or downtime. To mitigate this, we suggest considering our Support Plan, or if you have a good working knowledge of the framework apps, you may be able to resolve any issues that arise on your own.

What plans do I need for my apps?

The plans required for ActiveCampaign and Zapier are tailored to the specific needs of your business, taking into account the number of clients you have and the corresponding number of tasks that will be performed. As your client base grows, so too may the need to increase the number of tasks on your plan.

We understand that managing your plans can be overwhelming, which is why our Support Plan includes an alert system that will notify us when you reach 80% of your task allowance. This allows us to proactively inform you of any necessary upgrades and ensure that your business runs smoothly.

Additionally, Zapier offers a "Professional" plan that includes auto-replay functionality, which can prevent downtime due to server outages by automatically replaying failed zaps. While this plan is recommended, it is not required. Our team is always available to guide you in determining the best time to upgrade.


Still not sure?

If you’re still not sure whether this is the right decision for your business then lets jump on a call to go through any questions you have.

Additionally, please book in a call if you’d like to discuss a more bespoke option that includes Onboarding, Enquiry or Lead Management.